Once upon a time, a princess lived in a very nice castle with her mother, dad and dog. Generally, she didn’t worry much about pests because the royal pest control company made monthly visits to the castle to eliminate whatever creepy crawlers had found their way in. On a cool morning in September, the princess was having her morning coffee when she felt something brush against her mouth in the coffee cup. She quickly looked into her coffee cup, only to find a stink bug floating in her java. Her blood curdling scream still echoes in the mountains around the castle.
Stink bugs frequently enter homes during the cooler months in search of a warm place to overwinter. While stink bugs do not pose a health or property risk to homeowners, this pest can quickly become a stinky nuisance around your home. If squashed, these pests create a smelly, repulsive odor.
Here are 10 simple stink bug prevention steps that you can take to keep this smelly pest out:
1. Seal off entry points from stink bugs
Inspect the outside of your home for stink bug access points such as areas around siding and utility pipes, behind chimneys, and under wood fascia or other openings. Seal any cracks and holes using a good quality silicone or silicone-latex caulk.
2. Replace and repair
Stink bugs can enter the home through the smallest openings, so it’s important to repair or replace damaged screens on windows or doors. Don’t forget to check for torn weather-stripping and loose mortar. You can also install door sweeps if necessary.
3. Turn off the lights
Stink bugs are attracted to lights, so it’s recommended to keep outdoor lighting to a minimum.
4. Reduce moisture
Eliminating all moisture buildup around your home can help prevent many pest infestations, including stink bugs.
5. Think before squashing stink bugs
When many people find a stink bug, their first instinct is to squash them. However, when disturbed or crushed, stink bugs have a tendency to release a bad odor from pores on the sides of their bodies.
6. Use a vacuum
If stink bugs have already entered a home, use a vacuum cleaner for their removal. Once you suck them up, their smell clings to engine parts, and any vacuum attachments you used. A small, handheld vacuum might be best, and empty the bag as soon as possible. Once you’re done, put the vacuum bag in a thick plastic bag and tie it tightly before throwing it out as far as possible from your house.
Remember that homes can be pre-treated for stink bugs before they become a problem. But, if you suspect an infestation has already developed, contact a licensed pest professional to evaluate and assess the severity problem.
To learn more about where stink bugs came from,
click here.
Click here
for a much more detailed article about how to seal up your house.)
So don’t be like our princess and take the chance of encountering a disgusting stink bug. Perform these preventive measures NOW before they start to invade. And contact DA Exterminating to evaluate and treat for these pesky pests!