Mosquitoes are so deadly because of the many diseases they transmit. These diseases are contracted by the mosquito when it bites an infected animal and, in turn, it passes on that malady to the next animal it bites ... and so on.
Some of the diseases attributed to mosquitoes include: Zika virus, malaria, dengue, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis and La Crosse encephalitis.
Preventing mosquito bites takes a two-pronged approach: 1) eliminating mosquito breeding sites and 2) protecting yourself and your pets using repellents. Each requires some understanding of mosquito biology.
1. Eliminate mosquito breeding sites
It’s important to know that mosquitoes breed in standing water, no matter how small the amount. A bottle cap containing water can become a breeding ground as well as a stagnant pool, so getting rid of standing water around your property is key to eliminating mosquito problems. We suggest looking out for standing water in flower pots, pet bowls, bird baths, tires, buckets and other containers and emptying them after rains.
2. Protect yourself with repellents
A mosquito can detect carbon dioxide from up to 200 feet from you and once they reach 100 feet away, they’re pretty sure you’re their target.
Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk, so if you must be outside at that time, wear insect repellent. There are various devices on the market that claim to repel mosquitoes and range from citronella candles, wearable repellant devices and spray-on repellents containing DEET.
Keep in mind that your pets are also attractive to mosquitoes, so ask your vet about the specific mosquito repellent that you should use to keep fido mosquito-free this summer.
If you plan to have an outside party, it’s a good idea to run several electric fans as mosquitoes are weak flyers and will be blown away from the area and out of your way.
The very best protection is our mosquito control program to keep mosquitoes at bay around your home.